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here's to the girls;
that cry themselves to sleep,
the girls who don't always get the guy
the girls who are insecure,
& don't feel perfect all the time.
here's too the girls
that would rather where sweats
then skinny jeans any day.
here's to the girls,
that aren't afraid to get hurt.
the girls who wear their heart on their sleeve.

here's to the girls,
who have been through hell
& put a smile on their face every day.
here's too the girls

who have no one to turn too but themselves,
and music to cheer them up.
here's too the girls,
who just wanna find that perfect guy,
the one who will make them feel

beautiful, for once in their lives.
here's to the girls that keep fighting
through this, everyday,
 telling themselves that life goes on.

here's.. to all of us


- mine

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here's to the girls; that cry themselves to sleep, the girls

12 faves · Apr 21, 2011 1:24pm






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