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Quote #2725690

16 faves · 6 comments · Apr 20, 2011 11:06pm






oxlollipopxo · 1 decade ago
i disagree.
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xokirstyleexo3 · 1 decade ago
trueeeee that * (;
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chelllss · 1 decade ago
I dont know what i'm talking about? HA! guess again. i know all about drugs seeming how thats all i grew up around g& marijuana was the only one that didnt tear my family appart. everyone in my family smokes it & they're all great people. i apoplogize for what happened to your brother, i know how it feels trust me. but weed itself did not ruin your brothers life it was the choices he made & he was probably in the wrong place at the wrong time. i'm sorry but if your gonna sit here & tell me i dont know what im talking about you might as well gtfo because i know more then what im talking abut not because i've looked it but because ive seen it with my own eyes. you wanna lecture someone thats defending drugs find someone talking about meth coke or crack because those are the hard core things. weed though, its not even that harmful.

Happy 420 to you tooo!
&exactly, its amazing. it makes all your issues put to ease & it mellos you out when your stressed out. i love the stuff!
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YesterdaysFeelingsx3 · 1 decade ago
It's really not as bad as you're making it seem.
Marijuana didn't ruin your brother's life, HE DID.

It was your brother's choice to start smoking marijuana, and continue to.
I will admit, you CAN become addicted to marijuana, but it takes a WHILE,
a lot of smoking, continuously. I wouldn't even consider it addiction though.
More of a habit.

THC is what gets you high when smoking weed. Your brain releases it's OWN
THC, which is why you can have a natural high. Anyways, if you smoke a lot,
like I said, your body is used to being GIVEN the THC, and sees no point to
produce it's own, so it doesn't. Which is why you can go through withdraw after
not smoking for awhile. But withdraw normally only last a week or two. And it's
not even that bad. Then you're back to normal. But you'll of course want to smoke.
That's natural. Anyone who has smoked, and liked it, will want to again.

Don't blame weed for your brother's mistake. It was all his decision.
It's good he's going into the Marines though. He's BETTERING his life.

Marijuana is less harmful than most other drugs,
including alcohol and tobacco. FACT. Look it up.

Also, it doesn't cause lung cancer. Go ahead and look that up, too.
Marijuana is often PRESCRIBED to cancer patients to HELP them.

That's you're opinion.. I always have a good time when I'm high. (:
I've aced a quiz, was the third one done with my classwork, & got
an early start on my homework, ALL WHILE BEING HIGH. I don't
see that as being stupid.

Maybe you're the one that doesn't know what their talking about.
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YesterdaysFeelingsx3 · 1 decade ago
I agree, completely.

I smoke weed, everyday, just about.
It helps me tremendouslyy, and it doesn't effect me as a person.
Of anything, I feel I'm a better person. It calms me, which I need.
It always puts me in a better mood :D It helps me concentrate in
school. Helps me sleeep. Helps me eat, (sometimes TOO much,
haha) Gets me UP in the morning. It really is a miracle drug.

Also, it gives me a better sense of myself, and the world around me,
as lame as that sounds. Haha. It's amazing. I LOVE WEEED. ♥

Happy 4/20. (:
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gothicly1 · 1 decade ago
Um, I'm sorry but my brother smoked pot and it ruined like, his whole life, and now to get away from he's going into the marines. You can DEFINATELY get addicted to it. It DOES cause lung cancer, coming from someone that knows ALL ABOUT lung cancer. Being HIGH, IS NOT HAVING A GOOD TIME! IT'S BEING STUPID. I'm usually a very sensitive and caring empathetical person, but this is a VERY terrible subject. IT IS THAT BAD!!! You have NO IDEA, what you are talking about.
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