Witty Profiles

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1. Name - Rachel
2. Birthday - January 4th
3. Current location - In a chair in front of the computer.
4. Current mood - bored.

1. Flower - ...the floral kind...
2. Color - Coral
3. Restaurant - Taco Bell;D
4. Store - Forever21 or Wet Seal
5. Designer - i dunno.
6. Animal - penguin or monkey.
7. Drink - Root Beer or Sun Drop:D

This, that or neither...
1. Summer or winter - Summer.
2. Shoes or purses - Shoes.
3. Jeans or skirts - Jeans.
4. Showers or baths - Showers.
5. Rich or famous - Famous.
6. Diamonds or pearls - Diamonds.
7. Nsync or Backstreet boys - Backstreet Boys
8. Yoga or sports - ehh, depends.
9. Ocean or pool - Pool.
10. Pink or blue - Pink.
11. Black or white - Black.
12. Real tan or tanning beds - Real Tan.
13. Preppy or gothic - Neither, I don't believe in labels.
14. Eyeliner or mascara - Eyeliner.
15. Lipgloss or lipstick - Lipgloss.

1. Taken or single - Single.
2. Relationships or flings - Relationships.
3. Looks or personality - Personality.
4. Longest relationship - 0 days
5. Shortest relationship - 0 days
6. Crush - Michael.<3
7. Does he know you like him - ohh yesss... :/
8. Do you believe in soul mates - Yes.
9. Do you like romantic guys - Mhmm.
10. Flowers or candy - Flowers.
11. Have you ever been in love - ahaha yeaaaaah.<3
12. Did it work out - Nopee:/
13. Has any guy ever cheated on you - Nooo.
14. Have you ever cheated on anyone - Nuh uh.

1. Best friend - Natalie and Tawnee.
2. Do you tell him/her everything - I tell one of them everything...
3. Is this person number 1 on your friends list - mhmm.
4. Would you do anything for him/her - Yess.
5. Can you be yourself in front of your girls - ahaha yeaaaah, unfortunatly...
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Basics... 1. Name - Rachel 2. Birthday - January 4th 3. Current

0 faves · Apr 20, 2011 9:02pm




