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[The Truth is].
I like being single,
Because I have just been hurt so much that I just don't know if there is a guy seriously out there that won't hurt me. 
there's a part of me that wants to be in a relationship but the other part just screams out that it isn't worth it because they all end the same.
I'm scared that I'm going to end up alone because I always fall for the wrong boys and the wrong type, I'm scared so I keep myself guarded.
On the outside I look tough and slap people and whatever but the truth is that isn't me, well it is just not the one that is hurt
I'm tired of just trying and always getting the same outcome.

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[The Truth is]. I like being single, Because I have just been

2 faves · 2 comments · Apr 20, 2011 7:20am






Simba0924 · 1 decade ago
hahahaha (sorry i had to laff at that) not so tuff r u.
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if_you_really_knew_me_123 · 1 decade ago
hey, I know how you feel and I think if the right guy comes along you will want to be with him. There are exceptions to everything(: Right now, I think you should just try to find that perfect guyfriend who will help you and you never know you could endup falling for him. In love you have to leave your comfort zone and follow what you want. You have to be selfish. I love this quote(:
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