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 I'm 16 years old and I was diagnosed with Scoliosis. To some people it may not seem like a big deal.. but it is maybe the worst thing thats ever happened to me. It's like a less painful Cancer. There's no cause, It just happens, just like a mutated cancer cell. Once it's too late, you cant fix it, just like cancer.I have to wear a brace around my body until they think the scoliosis has stopped. I've never felt so embaressed and scared in my life. I'm afraid to wear tight shirts or go in a bikini with my friends to the beach because you could see how badly curved my body is. I sit here and cry everytime I think about it. There was nothing I could do to prevent it... but why me ? I think I have more then enough in my life, why must it always be get worse for me. I cant be a normal 16 year old girl. I hate it so much. Why cant I just be normal like most girls ?!
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I'm 16 years old and I was diagnosed with Scoliosis. To some

5 faves · 7 comments · Apr 19, 2011 9:06pm






mynameiskelly4821 · 1 decade ago
my shoulders & hips are both uneven. & i might have to have surgery. & i said i know it's embarrassing. just sitting the way i normally do, makes me look like a have a big hump in my back. & standing up straight you can see it. but once you explain it to people, they might say ew or that's really weird at first, but then they get over it. i almost wore a brace but i risked it getting worse so i didn't wear it. my doctor said if people gave me problems about it, to just say "yes i have a brace, & i'm gonna have it tomorrow, & the next day, & the day after that, so get over it."

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forgivetoforget · 1 decade ago
I dont wanna sound rude or anything, but cancer is a DEADLY disease with no cure... it's nothing like cancer. I know it must be awful to have scoliosis, but cancer is not like it at all.. When you have cancer you go to a hospital (sometimes hours away) and sit in a chair for half an hour while they put drugs that make you nauseous and sore. Then you're tired from the drugs, worn out from the cancer, and yet you have to work while you're slowly dying... I know i sound like a b**** right now, but you can't compare the 2 diseases.. scoliosis is like a bee sting compared to cancer. You also have a plastic port that's legit a messed up bump in your collarbone and red marks and scars from everything, The treatment sometimes doesn't work, or gives you awful side effects, and it's also lethal. If a pregnant person were to touch a chemo pill, then accidently get that near her face, she would damage herself and the baby, just with one little touch, and watching your mom die slowly and painfully, knowing that she will never see your wedding or even your graduation is absolutely awful, and could make you cry in school and you don't know why, and cry yourself to sleep, every single night, so think before saying how awful your life is, and think of people with scoliosis who are too poor for treatment, children and mothers and fathers with cancer, people with one or no parents, malnourished kids in third world countries, etc. Sorry if i sound rude or like i'm 'asking for attention', but this type of quote really irritates me.
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xouniquebabiee · 1 decade ago
Hi kelly, im not asking for attention. Maybe you have less a serious case then I do. Maybe you should stop trying to be a b●tch. Sorry we're not all as lucky as you. Oh and cookie.. it is pretty embaressing going to school everyday in a noticble brace. Its not embaressing at all walking around with a giant board on your back. And yeah it is pretty embaressing going out in a bikini while everyone notices my disproportional body my body is basically all pushed to one side. Not to mention how embaressing it is to wear a tanktop because one shoulder is higher than the other. I forgot youre me though and you know how my body looks. Maybe your case isnt as curved as mine. Oopsss... sorry, i must of been looking for attention again :*
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xCuriOusCoOkiex · 1 decade ago
I have it too.
to help it from getting worse. just sit up straighter.
its not embarrassing... at all.
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mynameiskelly4821 · 1 decade ago
i have scoliosis too, not saying its not embarrassing & painful, but stop asking for attention, it's not that bad.
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fallforyou22 · 1 decade ago
stay strong ♥
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emo_sk8r_babe · 1 decade ago
I think you just made me cry but no matter what happens remember that ill be here like a sister to tell u that no matter what happens ill have u in my heart to keep and u might be scared but when its over i bet u will have that beautiful smile u had in the first place.
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