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again no need to read this.
i wish i could actually talk to my friends about how i feel sometimes. instead of going on here or tumblr to vent or say how i feel. it sucks. the reason i cant is because i know ill either be judged or talking/opening up to one person, and then within the next hour, everyone knows my business. i literally can't open up about anything. i'm always there for every single one of my friends, and do i go and tell everyone. NO. do i judge them? NO. i also cant open up because my problems always get pushed to the side. i feel like i'm not as important as someone else's problems. i just wish sometimes one of them could just be like 'hey how are you doing' and actually let me open up. i just wish......hope that things will change.

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again no need to read this. i wish i could actually talk to my

0 faves · Apr 18, 2011 8:51pm




