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As u see I'm flying above
like a Dove in Love who got struck by her first kiss
By the boy she saw as he hiss my name
as I turn around and say "My Love what do u have tonite?"
as he took his bag he pulled a diamond and shine it in my sparkling eyes
He said "Will u do me the honors to love me and hold me until I die?"
I couldn't believe this tru to my eyes I just whimper and cried
and said "Yes! I'll Hold u until u died I'll be that fine wife of urs"
He turn to me and gave me a kiss and said farwell I must tell the king
That we will soon be engaged so he ran off into the night
As I looked out of the window I had notice he was gone right before my very eyes! was this tru or was this just a dream of what my life will be like?
I questioned myself all through the night until it came morning and the boy who was at my window was a fariytale of Prince Charming!
He came l8ter that day and gave me a kiss and I blush like was a kid!
So off he took into the clouds on his Beauiful horse I notice I was in a heaven of above with the one I have loved ever since I was young.....
I knew I would be safe in his arms and now I am up above the heavens and skies watching over people as they fall asleep at night with the one who I love who kept me safe at night on a cloud over there u'll find at night so be careful I'll fly high as a dove who has been love by her first kiss.....
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As u see I'm flying above like a Dove in Love who got struck

1 faves · May 23, 2004 8:59am






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