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Skool is rough and Tough
Teachers are mean and nasty
They yell and they scaream
Give us alots and alots of Homework to make us feel sry for them
Eaten the most horrible food in the Caferia
and dealing with the moaning and droning of teachers all day long
But just be thankful that u went to skool and got an Education
cause ryt now u wouldn't kno how to read b/c u wouldn't go to skool and have teachers taught u how to read and write and do math
So then u wouldn't have a future of making money since u didn't go to skool and be poor on the streets like in Different countries
So be very glad u go to skool to learn all the importance of life and thanked a teahers who taught u how to do all these things ryt now!!
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Skool is rough and Tough Teachers are mean and nasty They yell

1 faves · May 23, 2004 8:38am






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