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What are we?
I've been wondering that for a while. One day we're flirting and
perfectly happy. Then you hardly speak a word to me for days,
weeks, almost a month. It's confusing, nerve-racking, and just
a n g e r i n g. One second I feel like you like me again, only to
be once again heartbroken all because you like my best friend
we'll be best friends telling each other everything, then we'll be
at each others throats, screaming, acting stubborn, me wanting
so badly to j u s t b r e a k d o w n and cry. I have no idea what
is going on with us these days. All I want is for things to be back
how they were. I just want the fighting to stop. You're confusing
and I don't know what it going on with you. I wanna be done with
you. But I think we all know I'll n e v e r be quite that s t r o n g .


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What are we? I've been wondering that for a while. One day

14 faves · Apr 13, 2011 5:55pm






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