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the quote to solve all your problems...
im not going to tell you its all going to be okay, it might not.
im not going to try to solve your problems, because most likely anything i say won't make a difference.
this is the quote for you, and only you.
so comment what your feeling. family, friends, guys anything.
this is for you, to get it all out when the world shuts down on you. when everything feels like its falling apart.
so go on, get it out. vent. because you truly are loved

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THIS IS THE QUOTE the quote to solve all your problems... im

7 faves · 2 comments · Apr 10, 2011 8:48pm






chasingmyshadow · 1 decade ago
Well, Jaaden asked me out. & I have liked him for a really long time. & one of his ex girlfriends who I was really close with is really mad at me right now. I tried talking to her. & its all terrible. Everyone hates me because I like Jadden and he's a player. But i actually believe him this time taht he likes me, he tells all of his friends, were in a realationship on facebook, and idk.. it seems different from the times before. But my best guy friend Eric wont even tlak to me. He keeps telling me he likes me, and honestly I kinda likehim too. I used to like him a lot. But werre BEST FRIENDS. I can do anything around him. And idk, it just feels like I have no friends and no one I can talk to about this,. no is even listening to me..
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swyman2234 · 1 decade ago
i see him everyday weigther i want to or nnot. we have the same friends and both run track. i hang out with him on the weekends and talk all the time. but we are over. he broke it off almost 2 months ago b/c he doesnt want to hurt me when he goes off to college. him breaking ot off in he middle of the year when we have so much time left together killed me even more. i still cry over him and i struggle to laugh and smile when im around him. and i miss him sooo much i cant bear it!
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