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I thought you were my best friend, actually i thought you were my sister. Yeah fights do happen, and i really wanted to be there for you but this time i couldn't. I needed to put myself first bc you pushed me away. All of a sudden no more secrets, or phone calls everyday. I never heard the latest, you never called when you were upset. Basicly our friendship was a bet, to see how much longer the days would last where i would miss the past with the one girl i knew i had so much in common with. And to be honest i miss everything, our friendship our conversations. All i want is my BESTFRIEND  back , but it will never be the same.
 We knew each other since kindergarden when were in girl scouts together , bouy i miss thoose days when nothing came between us but who got the most cookies at snack time. ever since then weve been bestfriends. Until this year , we never get along and everything seems to get in the way . I miss the old days so much. EVERYONE PLEASE FAVORITE THIS SO SHE CAN SEE IT. I LOVE YOU JAMIE AND I KNOW THINGS WILL GET BETTER<3

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Jamie, I thought you were my best friend, actually i thought

1 faves · Apr 9, 2011 8:12pm






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