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4 faves · 3 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




SerennLoveYouu · 1 decade ago
You really think I should? Cause when my friend told him I liked him two months ago, he like avoided me. My cousin tried speaking to him but he told her that he hated me and her, so a few days after that I bumped into him and lied to him. I told him I didnt fancy him. So we went back to our normal self's but lately he's acted like this, this all happened in two weeks exept for the me and my friends fallout part, but still (': Thanks for you help ;D
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Volleyball16 · 1 decade ago
I agree, and think that if they're really your friends they would tell you the truth. I know my bffs wouldn't llie to me and if they just joked thet would tell me. This gy, on what I read, seemed like he wasn't lieing. I would go for him and believe my friends.
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Riley015 · 1 decade ago
It sounds like you like him and he likes you. So if it were me I would just go for it. :)
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