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Letter #1
 Dear Ali,
              Well what can i say? You are my absolute best friend! I know we get on each others last nerve but in the end we both know we don't know what we would do without each other. You were my first friend when i moved into my house. We have had so many amazing memories together. The endless days roller blading up down the street, walking to stewarts on hot summer days, playing dolls (from sooo many years ago), staying up late watching movies, and our amazing sleepovers. I am and will always be there for you no matter what. We both come to each other when something is wrong or if that one guy hurts us </3. I'm sorry if i ever make it seem like i put Bobby before you. Please believe me when i say i don't . Trust me your my absolute best friend and would never do that. And please never make me choose between you two. I love you guys soo much and you are guys are the most important and closest people to me. Your like my little sister (well as you can see cause we basiclly share a room every weekend =)). No matter how far apart we are you will always be my best friend and nothing and no one will ever change that. When i say we will be friends forever, i literally mean it! We will mostly likely be in each others weddings as maid of honors, god parents for our kids, and probably end up old together in a nursing home =p Even though your almost 2 years younger than me , I never think about the age. You are seriously more mature than more than half the people in my grade trust me. Well through this whole letter all i'm really trying to say is i love you and your the most amazing friend a person could ask for. Thank you <3


P.S : Oh and about the being bestfriends forever no matter how far apart? well don't worry i wll be taking you to my college parties with me <3 ;) love you girl
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Letter #1 Dear Ali, Well what can i say? You are my absolute

0 faves · Apr 7, 2011 8:34pm




