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Somewhere, There Is Someone That Thinks That You Are Their Everything.
They may not know it yet. But you are.  They will think you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Because, simply, you are.  They will hold you in their arms and tell you they love you so many times.  So stop worrying that your always going to be alone and never find the one for you. Have fun with your life because you only have one chance.  Be wild and crazy with your friends.  Be random. Live your life to the fullest.  Don't listen to what anyone else thinks, you are your own person and no one else can change that.  You have the power to live your own life.  So stop worrying about all the little things, it will handle itself.  Take a break and relax every once in a while.  You deserve it.   Even though you think you don't, you do.  Follow what you want and love in your life, nobody else's.

Chase What Matters.

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Somewhere, There Is Someone That Thinks That You Are Their Everything.

7 faves · Apr 5, 2011 10:26am






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