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Dear Girls,
If you're still single, don't worry. God's saving you for someone special. You might not think about it, but there is someone out there who loves you, just for who you are. Trust me. I'm a guy, and this time last year a load of people in my area who were my age were already dating. There was a girl I really liked, but I didn't think she liked me back. Finally I got the courage to ask her out, and she said yes. That was on the 26th of June 2010, and Chelsea and I are still together. (I swear she is the most amazing girl ever - her name on Witty is chelsealovesyou, check it out) So, like I said, don't worry about being single. There is a boy out there who loves you, or maybe someone you will meet later in life who will love you. If there was a boy you loved that broke your heart, forget about him. He doesn't understand how beautiful and unique you are. Just think, the person you are going to marry is walking on this planet right now. And you will find him. :)
- Alex


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Dear Girls, If you're still single, don't worry. God's

13 faves · Apr 4, 2011 11:02am






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