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0 faves · 4 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




hillzzz1622 · 1 decade ago
I say take them back as friends but don't fully trust them . You need friends so take them back. Let them gain ur trust but I say dOnt trust them cuz they hurt you before what makes them not gonna do it again.
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xoeml10xo · 1 decade ago
hey girly! I know its hard right now cause you dont know if you trust them. But my friends did the same kinda thing to me. It hurts a lot. I decided that i didnt trust them because, truthfully....i dont so i told them the truth that i dont trust them and they said okay they understand where im coming from. Then we werent the best of friends for a while. And we still kinda arent....its awkward but its okay. If i were you i would tell them the truth about how you feel if you havent already. hope this helps!
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saraahxo · 1 decade ago
you want help? here's my honest opinion: you're not in love. you're probably like, 13 years old, and you've been with this guy for less than 2 months. hon, there is no way in hell that that's love. and if your friends don't like him, are you really gonna pick a dude over your best friends? you guys probably won't last until the end of the year, according to statistics, but best friends? they last for a hell of a lot longer. so i say drop the dude and act like the thing with your friends never happened. cause that's what a real friend to them would do.
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Spud · 1 decade ago
well for starters haven't you already given them a seccond chance? i sugest trying to find new friends or telling them they need to accept your relationship or get out...
try hanging round with them more often because maybe they feel left out...
you could always try match making...
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