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the simple things in life(#4);

coming straight home and going to bed. buying amazing clothes you found
on sale. holding hands. unexpected moments that turn into favorite memories.
talking on the phone with your best friends 'til 3AM. Taking long showers
to wash away the pain
. feeling like you finally belong somewhere. realizing that
people actually care. 
resting on someone's chest. deciding what you want
to do with your life. 
when your meal comes after waiting for ever.that satisfied
feeling when your full and your meal was amazing.
falling asleep instantly when youre
 meeting random people who happen to change your life. having a great night's
drinking a cup of hot cocoa when youre cold. walking into a candy store
with a lot of money. 
just going crazy with your best friend.. not caring of what
people think. 
realizing you actually are beautiful, no matter what.. laughing
until your side hurts.
bringing gum into class and not getting caught. knowing
your going to be bored all weekend, then ending up with plans.
when your hair
stays neat, after a long day. 
compliments from strangers. compliments from friends.
 when you're about to let go from a hug, then they hug tighter. playing with a puppy.
those nights where you just have fun. having guy friends. reading a really good book.
having insiders with friends. when everyone's chill and no dramas happening.
giggling when a guy tickles you. that one perfect quote that makes your day.
going out with your girls. trying a new lip gloss that you love. the feeling of softness
in your hair after a a haircut
. waking up early and realizing you have more time to sleep. and that
                                            everything is going to be alright♥

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the simple things in life(#4); coming straight home and going

463 faves · 5 comments · Apr 2, 2011 9:48am






likewhoa721 · 1 decade ago
omgggg i love this quote and everything about it, this is possibly the best quote ever!
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itsviennax97 · 1 decade ago
i love this :) did you make this up yourself?
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xsjfxo · 1 decade ago
"that one perfect quote that makes your day"

That Would Be Thiss Quotee; Best. Quote. Everrr. ♥
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GymnastBabee97 · 1 decade ago
♥love this quote
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jayciecutie01 · 1 decade ago
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