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Even When your Gone...
Chapter 7,Sequel to "Forever...
Me and Addi ended up leaving around 12. "12:18?" Adrian mouthed i just smiled and shook my head yes. As we were walking towards the elevator Addi turn to me. "So whats the story?" She asked smiling. "What story?" I replied. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "You and Adrian you obviously knew each other AND had something going on."She said and poked me. I giggled a little. "Maybe, maybe not." I replied. "So im guessing hes a damn good kisser." She said clicking the the "6" to get to our floor. "I guess." I said shrugging. "Sooo whats the story!" She said laughing. I smiled "Ok well it started like my ex Lando-" I was cut off by a drunk frat boy came stumbling into the elavator wearing a toga. "Nice." Addi said. He both started cracking up. Luckily for us we only had to go up one floor with him. When we got into or room, i jump on my bed and logged onto Facebook. "So the strory." I said pushing my laptop aside. "Well it all started when my ex cheated on me." I said starting my story with no stops not even talking to Adrian when he logged on.


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t Even When your Gone... Chapter 7,Sequel to "Forever...

5 faves · Apr 1, 2011 2:14am






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