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I hate being called perfect


Your'e so pretty-Yeah,well I spend hours trying to look good so he'll notice me. And he never does.

Youre so skinny-I starve myself and over excirsize,and when I do binge. I make myself throw up after,Because I'm afraid of gaining weight

Your'e so good at sports- That's the only way I get my mind off everything in my life. Whenever something bad happens I play harder,and that happens alot.

Your'e so smart-My parents threaten to take everything away from me if my average isn't above a 94.

Youre so strong through everything-I'm just strong enough to make it through the school day. I break down only when I know nobody can see me for who I am.


I'm nowhere near perfect






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I hate being called perfect Your'e so pretty-Yeah,well I

28 faves · 1 comments · Mar 27, 2011 5:12pm






brittanyboo1224 · 1 decade ago
your not alone sweety <3
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