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so at school i noticed that way too much girls are unconscious about their bodies or anything else about theirselves. I saw a girl cry, because a guy called her fat, even though it was a joke, it was not done. Fromt that moment i decided to do something about it. I took my marker and wrote "smile, you're beautiful" and "hello there, sexy" on the bathroommirrors. I just hope that i can put a smile on some girls face and make them realize that they are as beautiful as they feel they are. So what im asking all you witty girls out there, is if you can help me brainstorm about some more ideas for this little project im working on or even do them yourselves. please help ! 

comment if you wanna join and have some ideas or if you are ready to do something about this too. 
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32 faves · 10 comments · Mar 21, 2011 10:35am






jmhLOVE · 1 decade ago
aww people at my school did that
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kyshea16 · 1 decade ago
By Project Smile I think you mean Operation Beautiful...
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RAWRimaDINOSAUR · 1 decade ago
I've been doing this since I was like ten, I don't mean to burst your bubble, or anything, but your 'project smile' has been around for years.
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lostXXstar · 1 decade ago
immm innnn! ;]
ill put some in my quotes. ;] lets think of a name for our selves, like have a club. think of ideas! :)
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jilly14 · 1 decade ago
OMG someone at my school did that..........
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Uncomfortable · 1 decade ago
Hey, this is a great idea. I love it when people do this. c;

Anyway, in your quote you wrote "girls are unconscious"
..do you realize that means they've passed out? I know
you mean self-conscious. Just pointing it out. ;3

USE PRETTY PICK-UP LINES!! :3 These are my favorite:
'If beauty were time, you'd be eternity.'
'Babe, your beauty makes the morning sun look like the dull glimmer of the moon.'
'Do you have a map? I'm getting lost in your eyes.'
'If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand.'
'You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.'
'You shouldn't wear makeup. It's messing with perfection! (:'
Girl, you are perfect just the way you are. Don't ever change for anyone!'
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WhenWeCollide · 1 decade ago
'You was born an original, don't die a copy, because at the end of the day, your original self is beautiful!' That could be an idea to write. But your best writing them on postic notes, because it could unfortuantly be treated as vandelism if you write it on the mirror.

But this idea made me smile:-)
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broadwayduhh · 1 decade ago
yeah or just write them on mirrors and teell girls to get wittys cuse it is amasing
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Redheadlover · 1 decade ago
like print them on pieces of paper and hang them around school ?
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broadwayduhh · 1 decade ago
i want to join
my ideas........
use qoutes from witty about loving your self
your smile is amawing don't ever stop showing it
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