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To all my Ex's

The tears fall down my face and hit the floor with a big bang.

Here comes the pain of loosing you. As you walk out the door, I feel my

heart sink even more. The tears fall even more when you said you

said you didn't love me anymore. It tore a hole in my heart that wont heal.

You left me broken and forsaken. Now I'm solemnly and devotedly taken

and realize you made a mistake. Too bad your too late. Now I've found

someone who loves me for me and has not hurt me in anyway. I'm happy

with him and that's gonna change. My heart is set on the path which leads

to him. He has taken my heart and I'm letting him keep it. That boy means

the world to me and I'm going to show him just how much he means to me.



John V. Novajosky<3

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To all my Ex's The tears fall down my face and hit the floor

1 faves · Mar 20, 2011 2:08am






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