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527 faves · 63 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




hockeyprincess11 · 1 decade ago
I agree with xokaylaox i mean.. it is a very sad thing.. cancer. My aunt died of it. But if all these things about her not even having a sister and all,, you cant really blame her. Because what if this is a lie? And this helloxxseattle girl was really offended by your sick joke? I mean.. She could be very sensitive about this subject. And making hate quotes isn't going to solve anything? Be the bigger person and grow up. I'm sorry about your friend if it's true. But this is not going to solve anything.
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Fancy_Cuppcake · 1 decade ago
i'm not saying this is fake or anything, but i thought you said she had cancer..where does leukemia come from?
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wilkil4shoes · 1 decade ago
okay so at first i was really at helloxxseattle, but then she sent this mass comment to all the girls that were hating that said something about that serena girl wrote in one of her comments saying that she's an only child, and then some girl posted it along with it. i now that i think about it, you were playing her game also by writing her name in the quote, so your just as bad. don't blame anyone else for the drama, blame the one who made this quote and decided to start all this by writing the girls name
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Elana_angel123 · 1 decade ago
ouuch thats kinda scary, slitting someones throat O_o I didnt know this will be a top quote.. but i was angry, i come on to witty the only place to keep my mind off things to find that comment, really it's depressing... In serena's last days, Hailey used to go on Serenas witty to read quotes with her to let the time pass. Serena gave her the account..
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shopperchick33 · 1 decade ago
oh and for those of you saying you agree with helloxxseattle,just because she didnt believe it was true doesnt mean she had to be so rude about it...there was some girl on her who threatened to slit my throat. girls are meaner than they should be
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shopperchick33 · 1 decade ago
so sorry for serena. rip</3
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brynmawrangel54 · 1 decade ago
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xoGAMERCHICKx3 · 1 decade ago
The problem with this situation is, imagine how bad YOU would feel if by targeting helloxxseattle in front of all of Witty Profiles, you influenced her to commit suicide or perform self-mutilation or something. You think she is the only careless one, but it's kind of inconsiderate to call her out when this was obviously going to be a top quote. Now she is going to receive a ton of hatred and never have the same reputation on Witty Profiles again. It wasn't necessary to single her out, even if what she said WAS wrong if you WERE telling the truth. Be the bigger person here and don't let your emotions get the best of you. Quite frankly, I find it suspicious that someone always "takes over" the account of someone on Witty who allegedly died without any reasonable proof that it isn't the same person.

Pity announcement 'quotes' and obituaries don't belong on Witty Profiles anyway. They're over abundant and obsolete. I don't want to hear about someone dying of cancer every single day I check the top quotes, because honestly, I can only feel somewhat sorry that strangers died (like they do every single day......) for so long before I just start getting annoyed. And then drama and starts. Which is also annoying.
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livin_4the_MoMeNt · 1 decade ago
together we can? are u obama
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xokaylayox · 1 decade ago
ok well im sorry about your friend but these days you never know, its terrible but you can't really blame her. and if she didn't have cancer then you probably wouldn't have cared, all im saying is that if my bestfriend died i wouldnt be making hate quotes i'd surround myself with family and friends instead of posting hate quotes about people, what if helloxxseattle is struggling with the same problems or worsse. you don't know that, therefore you both did wrong, and she's not the only low person for posting that, it was rude but you did the same exact thing... just stop with the bullsh*t, witty is supposed to be a NICE website, not a place for people to start more teenage drama consideering thats what most of us are trying to get away from....
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livin_4the_MoMeNt · 1 decade ago
im really sorry about your friend, but you just totally up by making a post about her passing and turning it into some kind of hate on seattle whatever. dont be i bet seattle feels like and u hating on her is not fixing anything.
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meganak · 1 decade ago
heey...im soo sorry for your loss:( i kno what it feels like to lose someone you love. her name was kaylee...she was only three..i kno if someone talked sh•t abt her, i would lose it..im soo sorry, and i kno you probably hear that ALL the time, but i truely am. i didnt kno Serena, but im sure she was awesome:)
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Quotesxxxx · 1 decade ago
wow that girl has problems
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suncelrun2 · 1 decade ago
Im sorry somebody would say that, but hopefully our support can help you get through this. Im so sorry for your loss. RIP<3
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brokenheartgirl · 1 decade ago
omg thts so sad and have a heart she freaking died and all u can say is oh thts not real she just wants attention. who fakes cancer just to get attention. how can anyone be so heartless. i am sad for you and your friend. im sorry:(
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Live_Love_Breath_Soccer · 1 decade ago
i feel totally sympathetic to you and hailey and serena and i'm sorry you lost a loved one but there are soooooooo many cancer, suicide, bullying quotes that it is so hard to believe them or think they are just for faves. i don't think hello seattle should say such harsh words like "you don't even know how to spell expect so you are not 17" and stuff like that but she is just stating her opinion and i'm thinking 1/2 of the other girls reading her cancer quotes think it's fake too. and anyway, making this quote is not making you the bigger person. you are fighting fire with fire, i understand, i would probably do the same with the rage of anger but really, you should find it in your heart to be the bigger person but i am really sorry.
R.I.P Serena
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xShesxThexOnex · 1 decade ago
i think she feels like a now and u cnt blame her like they said

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jessicaswallow12 · 1 decade ago
aww, i feel so bad. i really hope that all of you guys are okay. sorry for your loss guys. the girl that hated on her has no heart and is just a pathetic . don't worry, everything thing will be okay :)
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mkxisxrad · 1 decade ago
this is pathetic. youre being such a hypocrite! youre mad cuz one person spoke her feelings and you didnt like what she had to say so you make a HATE quote? youre acting like its her fault that your friend died, which obviously, IF and thats a big IF she did have leukemia then she probably wouldve died anyways. you get mad at one person so you decide to make everyone else hate her, because they are stupid and cant think for themselves? grow up. its ridiculous what you little girls are doing to this site.

you have people posting on her page like this:
'YOUR A FRIKEN . i hope your happy with EVERYONE HATING YOU . because i know i sure am . you deserve it YOU AS-WHOLE . i CANNT belive what you did to serena ! YOUR SUCH AN AS- . go die in a whole you ugly . your not even pretty ! YOU WHO ONLY LIKES FRIKEN ATTENTION . . someone was loosing their life & you go on b-tching about it !! & EVEN if it was fake WHICH IT WASSNNNTTT , you couldve shown respect , & you didnt . & i hate you'

come on now ladies. get the over it. and complaining isnt gonna help you out or bring your friend back from the dead...if that really did happen.
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sowrongitsrhanda · 1 decade ago
To the people asking why she made the quote; think about it. If YOUR bestfriend had cancer and some ignorant said something like that, you know you would want the whole world to hate that person. Jesus Christ.
Try placing yourself in someone elses shoes just for once. .
Even if the girl who said something thought it was fake, she shouldn't have said anything because she was not completely sure.
Have some decency.
Oh, I'm sorry for the language. Ignorant people just me the off.

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