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I Was Too Naive To Know.

come home from school, 7 years old. Life's so good. Up in my own pretty pink room, champing at super Mario 64. Doors slamming, my parents screaming. Foot steps, stomping from room to room. I race down stairs, and push my way next to my mother, who's staring at my brother. he was 18, face red, eyes blood shot. I was to naive to understand. I look to my left, theres a huge hole in the wall. My dad yells at me to go to my room, but my other brother, 12 years old, is sitting at the kitchen table, so I rush over to him, and ask him what's going on. He just looks at me in silence. More doors are slamming, chucks trying to escape. he runs from door to door, trying to get out. My parents keep stopping him. What's happening? I block the kitchen door, while chuck runs to the front. racing back, my parents on his tail, he pushes me out of his way and gets out. He didn't come back, not for at least three years. there were some visits, for food and a shower, but never when my parents were home. My mom lost months of sleep. cried all the time, clutching my brothers chain necklace in her hands, begging God that he'd come back. That's her baby. He's out there somewhere. on the streets. Maybes hes dead. How does she know? He was my favorite brother. always there to talk to and to help me on my homework. Now he's gone. Our family's not whole anymore. One of us is missing. He missed my birthdays. He missed his own. Every year I'd make him a cake. Praying he'd come home.  

-----> He was high. Under the influence of weed. It destroyed our family. He stopped going to school, and eventually dropped out. He was arrested numerous times. Put our family through Hell. This is just one of the stories i have to tell.
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I Was Too Naive To Know. come home from school, 7 years old.

2 faves · Mar 2, 2011 5:14pm






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