Witty Profiles

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Do you like a guy? Yeaah.
What color is his hair: Brownn.
What style is it: Shorrt .
Cute smile: Defff(:
Braces: Nooo.
Glasses: Naah.
Abs: He actually doesss :).
Height: Taller thann me.
What grade is he in: 8th, a year older;).
How did you meet him: Schoool. I guess that's the only good thing about school :)
How long have you known him: Most of my lifee.
Would you consider him your friend: One of my best, sometimes i wish it was more :/. ;p
Would he consider you his friend: His bestt:).
If you asked him for a hug, would he give you one: Alwaysss !.
Does he play any sports: About annything you can imaginee.
Can he play the guitar: Not that I know off.
What about any other musical instruments: Naaaah.
Last thing he said to you: Hey beautiful best friend who i'd take a bullet for:).'
Do you guys ever text: Wayy too muchh.
How about AIM: All the timme.
Facebook chat: Yeahh.
Last time you were on his Facebook profile: About 3 seconds ago:/.
Have you "liked" his profile picture: Not this onee.
Has he ever commented on any of your photos, (aim or facebook): Too muchh.
Has he ever written on your wall: A tonn of times.
Has he ever let you wear his hoodie/jacket: Yeahh:)
What do his sneakers look like: High topps.*
Do you know what his favorite bands/singers/songs are: Hip-hopp/ rapp.
What song best describes your attitude towards him: Minee- Tay Swiftt .
What would be his theme song: Idkk.
Do you know when his birthday is: August 17.
Has he ever given you anything (such as jewelry, candy, pencils,etc): Yeahh lolll.
Do you have any classes together: Nooo :( He's older then mee:(.
Do you think that he likes you back: Sometimes i think he does.
Do any of your friends know that you like him? Yeahh.
Do any of your teachers know that you like him: Nooo lmaaao.
Does he know that you like him: Idkk really.
Do you parents know he exists: Yesss loll.
Do they know that you like him: I think my momm does.
Do you think they would like him if you were dating him: Yes, they wouldn't mind cause they think he's sweet and politte(:.
Have you met his parents: Yeahh.
What would you do if he read this survey: Peee.
Why do you like him: Cause he's prefectt.
Next Quote >

Do you like a guy? Yeaah. What color is his hair: Brownn. What

0 faves · Feb 24, 2011 2:12pm




