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Please Helpp!!(:
So, me and my boyfriend are going to the movies tomorrow, and i KNOW hes going to try to makeout with me.

I've never madeout with anyone before and im REALLY nervous, cuz you know i dont want to mess up.
Please comment some helpful advice! thanks bunches<33

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Please Helpp!!(: So, me and my boyfriend are going to the movies

0 faves · 2 comments · Feb 23, 2011 3:15pm






lexscia7 · 1 decade ago
well, the first time i kissed a boy , he helped me through it. weird right ? well just follow him and do what he does. you'll be fine hun (:
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Sare · 1 decade ago
I was exactly like you, i was sooo scared. now every guy is a different kisser, but for the most part just follow his lead, it's easy, he moves his mouth, you move yours, the first few times you make out with someone it might not be for favorite thing, you might not like it at all, but trust me, you get used to the idea in time and eventually it's like BAM i wanna make out with you :P once you get the hang of it, it's really fun :P
I hope this helps even a little, if you want to know anything else you can comment on my profile or msg me sometime on msn (sarahlowe94@hotmail.com) good luck :) and dont stress about it to much because then when it happen you'll over think it and it wont be as great as it could be.
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