Witty Profiles

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Name: caitlin.
Age: 13.
Birthday: june 17.
 Location: home.
Current Mood: tired. 

Flower: um..roses?
Color: purple & turquiose.
Restaurant: subway!
Store: Pink & Forever21.
Designer: i dunno.
Animal: dogs, dolphins, horses, bears & lions.
Drink: waterr, iced tea & sodaa.

This That or Both:
Summer or Winter: summer.
Shoes or Purse: shoes.
Jeans or Skirt: jeans.

Showers or Baths: showers. 
Rich or Famous: famous.
Diamonds or Pearls: diamonds.
Nsync or Backstreet Boys: neither.
Yoga or Sports: sports.
Ocean or Pool: ocean, if i could. but i'm stuck with pools.
Pink or Blue: pink.
White or Black: black.
Real tan or Tanning beds: real tan. 
Preppy or Gothic: preppy.
Eyeliner or Mascara: mascara.
Lip gloss or Lipstick: lip gloss.

Taken or Single: siingle.
Relationships or Flings: umm. depends on the guy.
What's more important looks or personality: 50/50
Longest relationship: HA. like a month and a half.
Shortest relationship: 1 week.
Crush?: mhmm.
Does he know you like him: i hope not.
Do you believe in soul mates: definatley.
Do you like romantic guys: yes!
Flowers or candy? flowers.
Have you been in love: nah.
Did it work out: x
Has any guy ever cheated on you: yepp...
Have you ever cheated: no.

Who are your best friends: hayley. jackie. sam. & jade.  <3
Do you tell them everything: some yeah.
would you do anything for them: yess.
Can you be yourself in front of your girls: ohh yes. :D
Do you spend lots of time shopping with them: yup.
Is it better to have lots of buddies or one or two best friends: i have only four best friends, so only a few best friends.
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Basics Name: caitlin. Age: 13. Birthday: june 17. Current Location:

0 faves · Feb 14, 2011 1:06pm




