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Quote #2426088

0 faves · 10 comments · Feb 8, 2011 4:49pm






foreveryours61707 · 1 decade ago
I dated a guy for three years before he left me, yes im only 15 and was with him since i was 11 but guess what the only thing thats different because of my age is hes all ive ever known so if anything its harder losing him. youve obviously never been inlove and for that i can understand why you say this but heres the thing dont write something about something you obviously know nothing about.
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dramaismylife · 1 decade ago
this is a place for girls to vent! and have somebody there for them not like you who tell them to shut up! do us all a favor and realize what witty is and what its about! soo what they thought they were in love with them..they learned a lesson and by venting about it other girls realize they arent alone! soo shut the up! and stop complianing!
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hold_my_hand · 1 decade ago
i'm not going to write a paragraph, but i think i speak for most girls when i say age doesn't matter, and if girls need a place to let out their feelings, so be it. if it's bothering you, start your own website where you have to be a certain age to love. ..& if you think your stopping anyone from making love quotes?...your wrong.
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xonicole818 · 1 decade ago
um. im almost 18 - EIGHTTEEN - i was with a guy for 3 -THREEE- years ..and have had some serious/silly relationships since. dont judge everyone on here. people are diff ages, and feel differently. they could love their boyfriend after a few weeks-a month. dont be heartless.
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RainbowEyes25 · 1 decade ago
I think throwing swearwords and insults at each other isn't helping and makes boths sides look petty.

I agree with you than it annoys me when someone has only been with someone a short while and then says they love that person. Because they obviously don't. But, at that age, it's easy to get confused with strong care and love and there is nothing wrong with that.

I agree girls complain a lot about guys. I mean, guys get hurt too.

I just think that perhaps different people can handle different things. I mean what is a big thing to one person, could be minor to another because much worse has happened to them. We can all stand different amounts of pain.

Anyway sorry to hear about the car crash. Here if need to talk. (:
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eyemissyoux · 1 decade ago
im only saying this because my parents died in a car crash last week..calm down, theres bigger things to be upset about.
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kurofsky · 1 decade ago

I've yet to fallen in love yet, but you've certainly given me hope that it won't suck :D (Sarcsm, no .)
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GrAcErOx · 1 decade ago
Go. . Your. Self.
kthxbai 0;)
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iloveyoubabey · 1 decade ago
woah, you heartless little .
who says it was 2 days/2 weeks huh?
i know alot of girls, and guys alike who've dated for months, years even.
obviously your too cold to feel, but people fall in love pretty damn easily, who say's teenagers can't know what it is?
does age restrict your feelings?
no it does not.
people may think the same thing about your views. "that they're stupid" and "dumb" just think about that next time yeah.
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ilovegrapes · 1 decade ago
shut the up you dumb h8r whats wrong with you? girlfriend broke up so u take it out on us kids... grow some balls and tell this to ppl ur own age
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