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Long, but worth the read! I promise(:

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God is a part of our lives that should never be forgotten.
He is the reason I am here today;
He gave me multiple chances to live my life even though I probably shouldn't have.
So this is for all you Witty girls and guys.....
If you think no one is listening, God will always be on your side.
I bet a lot of you are saying prove it.
Well....I can(:
There's this thing called laminin;
it makes up most of our body and without it we couldn't be alive this very second as you're reading this.
Don't believe me?
Google it.
Laminin is in the shape of a cross.
It gets the point across that God is in us;
one of the largest parts.
So don't give up on your life just because he/she broke your heart or life at home is tough.
Stay strong because He gave you the power to do so.
God wouldn't give you anything in your life that he didn't think you could handle.
I don't have long to live my life; I have several health issues.
Do it for me.
Live your life to the fullest with no regrets(: <3
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Long, but worth the read! I promise(: ----------------------------------------❤

8 faves · Feb 5, 2011 10:24pm






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