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Dear Yashi-Boo/ Crawling Centipede
Dank choo for being a great friend, your meh bestie forever bbz   
 ou`re funneh, kind, stylish (Work it sista! ^-^), & most of all, the future NCG.

From your Nacho-licious, Taco-tastic,  Burstingg Eaagaaal, Babery Beavery, Cwissont  ^-^

Dear Yasi Darling,

I`ve always love ur awesome medoll, U are always my inspiration! Good luck for future CG!  U are always stunning   You always suprise me!

I want you to know that I always love yhuu! And ty for being such a Gr8 fwen!

From Katie 

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Dear Yashi-Boo/ Crawling Centipede Dank choo for being a great

0 faves · Feb 4, 2011 7:46am




