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               Last night I was in the bathroom crying my eye's out. I was going to commit suicide.
     Today I went to school, and told my friends my plan. My reason to live is my dog, and him. So when they're gone, I'll have nothing to live for.
If this get's over 350 faves, I won't try and kill myself every again. Now I know people care for me, and that my life may be worth keeping.





            I swear on my grandad's ashes, this is true. Not for faves, for care.   



            . (:





















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Last night I was in the bathroom crying my eye's out. I was

417 faves · 21 comments · Feb 1, 2011 2:20pm






xXLyke_LEGiTXx · 1 decade ago
Sweetie I know this is a tough time for you but never base a life or death situation on how many faves you get. Suicide is a real thing. Trust me, I know all about it. Your life is worth so much. You have to get past the teenage years to truly see what you've got. These years of hardships we're going through is a test to see if we'll make it in the real world. Don't give up and pass in the test empty handed. You can do it. Keep your head held high and fight. Your life is worth a lot more than you realize. ♥
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Everybody_Lies · 1 decade ago
A) Lovin' the huge white spaces.
B) If you already told your friends the plan, why are you asking total strangers to decide whether you live or die?
C) If your dog and 'him' are still alive, based on your quote, you still have something to live for...
D) If you "now know that people care for you" why would you try to commit suicide again?
E) This is a place for quotes. News flash... This isn't one.
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tohkiitap · 1 decade ago
many people out there...would kill to have ur life!!...fight for everything u want girl...NEVER give up (:
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xLizzIsAmazing · 1 decade ago
Your family and friends care. You shouldn't go for other people's opinions the only thing that matters is what you think. Not 390 strangers. But hope all goes well.

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madelon · 1 decade ago
its stupid to commit suicide and stupid to put this on their you should care about your family and friends more than these strangers to make this decision... im not being mean or anything... im sorry if it comes across that way.. but darlin,GOD put you on this earth and when he wants you to leave you will leave.. you shouldnt do anything to yourself.. let him do it to you!
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Marycastro14 · 1 decade ago
you won't live for your friends, but you'll live for 350 stragers? gees
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pickle_ninja · 1 decade ago
i was in the same situation before , i knew i shouldnt , but i just didnt care , i was sick of life & what was happening in it. i faved this at 350 , i was the girl who hit the button & passed 350 for your life , ppl can say all i did was simply click a button & it was no big deal at all , but i know the situation , that 351 mark, woulda meant the world to me , stay strong , girl , we love yu. ♥
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elizpurp13 · 1 decade ago
this is a perfectly fine place to be posting this. Where else is this poor kid supposed to "post" this. she needs some support so she asks for our help. that is what witty is about. Stay Strong honey because you will find people that love you for you. Keep posting things like this so we can help you and don't listen to these poeple saying not to post it on here<33
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xlove2love_x · 1 decade ago
you shouldnt be making these huge decisions based on what other people think and do . don't put this on witty . anyway we're all here for you though ♥
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music_is_my_life · 1 decade ago
Don't make your life decisions on other people's actions. Base it off what you want. If you let other people decide things for you, you're never gonna find happiness. & You have so much to live for, trust me, just work hard to make your life better in the future, so then you can look back and this can just be a chapter in your amazing life.
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x_LIGHTinTHEdark_x · 1 decade ago
What if your get 349? You're still gonna kill yourself then? Suicide is a big deal honey. Listen to sourpatchkids2. She knows what she's saying, & I agree completely.
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ssuummeerr143 · 1 decade ago

i COMPLETLY agree.
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WordsUnspoken · 1 decade ago
its going to be ok
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livelaughlove756 · 1 decade ago
we all care about you, sweetie. dont do anything to hurt yourself, please. your problems will go away eventually, but if you kill yourself you're gone forever. things always get better, things will get better for you if you stay around long enough to let them. and whether you know it or not there is someone out there who loves you and whose heart will break if you die. if you cant hang in there for yourself, hang in there for them, and if not for them, then for me. please comment on my profile if you need someone to talk to.
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kshayabieber777 · 1 decade ago
i hope u get better hun,
but r u shur this is true?
but , u dont put this on witty,
just saying not trying to be mean or anythin but this is not the rite place to be posting this .
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Marshmello422 · 1 decade ago
This isnt right for witty But People care trust me (:
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vanessabeansx3 · 1 decade ago
Don't post this. If you have friends, a family that loves you, and some place that you can call home, then obviously someone cares about you. We don't need to prove it to you. You need to prove it to yourself. Stop being so hard on yourself, and just talk it out. I think it would be better if you did with people you knew, rather than people you didn't. People on witty. I know they're a lot of help but they just don't KNOW YOU like your friends do, or your family.

Stay strong, and never give up on life. It's the one gift that is actually worth the experience.

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hadeydeppio · 1 decade ago
If you have friends, you already have people that care about you. I guarentee someone out there has it worse but chooses to be strong and live it out. Things may be bad now, but nothing stays horrible forever. There is so much more to live for, than to die for. I'll keep you along with other witty girls dealing with this in my prayers.
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LIvInLifeAnDLoVInIT · 1 decade ago
hahah i highlighted thinking there was somthing hidden!
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sourpatchkids2 · 1 decade ago
No offence this isn't somthing to put on witty. And commiting suicide wont help at all. You'll be gone forever. You dont want to throw away your life that quickly, especialy like that. I know its a very hard situation to be in but just trust me on this. I bet you would be missed so much, it's not worth doing to yourself. So please don't. You will regret it if you do.
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