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everything happens for a reason part 5
i ran upstairs and cleaned my face, changed into soccer shorts and a soccer jersey put on my cleates and brushed my hair and put it in a but with a headband, grabbed my bag and looked at my phone 7 texts, wow
kay<3- 'hey boo im sorry about vin, comming to the game?'
"its ok im totaly over it, and yeah be there in 5'

livyy(: - ' hey chuchu coming to the game today, you missed practice, are you ok?'
'im finee ill be there in 5, tell coach im sorry i slept in on accident'
seetthh- heyy bestfriendd(: ill see you at your soccer game?
yeah bestfirend ill see you in a little
vinny- hey im so sorry can we talk?
vinny-babe please i love you
' im not your babe, and if you loved me you wouldnt have kissed jordin, i gave you to many chances and im done, goodbye vinny
kelseyyy<3- hey(: do we have lacrosse later?
mike- you im sorry about your boy, hes a douchee bag, im coming to your socceergame(:
kk, ill see you there
i was down stairs and everyone got in the car
"um why is everyone coming?"
"caseee we wantt to se you play" justin said winking
"um ok?" i questioned him, i put my ipod in and listened to it the rest of the way, i got to the soccer field and everyone was there even vinny, i avoided him and coach told me to take a  run so i did, when i went around the field twice i was put in the game,
uhh i hate this team, jordins on it i thaught to myself
by the end of the game the score ws 8-5 we won, i got a yellow card though for fighting with jordin, but whatever, i got in the car and was silent the whole way home, a tear slid down my face as i thaught about vinny.
justin POV:
i saw a tear slide down mia's face, honestly i felt really bad, no-one should treat a girl like that, and she's pretty id totally date her, justin what are you saying hes you bestfriends new step sister, that snapped me out of my thaughts.
ryan was talking to mia and we all joined in
" so how many sports do you play?" he asked
"haha alot"
"well what are they?"
" soccer hockey-"
"dudee you play hockey?, oops sorry keep going" i feel bad i just totally cut her off
" haha well soccer, hockey, lacrosse, basketball, dance cheer and box"
all of our jaws were hung open
"holey crap,thats alott!"
"yeah, well it keeps me going"
i loved her smile and her eyes and- justin stop you cant fall for her!
was i, was i falling for this beattiful girl- oh crap im falling for ryans new sister

comments/fallows/favorites/ideas thanks<3

Next Quote >

everything happens for a reason part 5 i ran upstairs and cleaned

4 faves · 2 comments · Jan 30, 2011 3:50am






liveforlove49 · 1 decade ago
i loveeee ur storiesss!!!!!! pleaseeeeee finishh ur story
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kaitlynnicolex24 · 1 decade ago
I'm so confused. You mentioned justin bieber?? Whatt?
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