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My bestfriend is gay.
Every day, he gets pushed down corridors.
He gets called names, and gets his homework snatched from him and ripped.
He gets kicked or punched daily.
He has once ended up in hospital, because of how bad he's been hurt.
May I remind you, he's 13. 

He has a boyfriend, who sticks up for him a lot. 
He likes football, but he also likes art, and wants to be a teacher when he's older.
But there are many people stopping his dream.
He's finally found his place in the world, and finally found who he loves.
But not only does he have to face people at school, but at home too.
His parents don't agree with what he has chosen to be,
And therefore, they kicked him out of his own house.


He also has a witty, and pays a lot of respect to you girls on here.
In fact, the quotes he see's on here are what inspired him to tell people he was gay.
Because, no matter what you are, people should respect you for who you are.
Now I only ask one favor from you witty girls; or boys.
Please click the heart, please help me prove to him that love is louder then hate.
Please help me prove to him, that he should still feel like he has a purpose in life.
If theres one thing you do today, please, just press that heart, and make him smile.

I love you James.

*This isn't for fave's, i swear 100% on my mums grave.

Next Quote >

My bestfriend is gay. Every day, he gets pushed down corridors.

406 faves · 34 comments · Jan 22, 2011 7:33am






Sarenaaa_love · 1 decade ago
I'm 15 and am dating a girl and I am in the best relationship I have ever honestly had. I am so happy all the time with her and I get to spend pretty much every weekend with her and like 1-2 school nights. She helps me with everything. In december my house burnt down and I stayed with her and she helped me calm down and just was there for me. Love is love no matter what anyone says. It's all the same. (:
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hopelessx3romantic · 1 decade ago
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Paperbackwriter · 1 decade ago
come at me
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marebearx3 · 1 decade ago
whats his witty acount ? i want to see his qoutes. :D GO JAMES :D
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hopelessx3romantic · 1 decade ago
being gay is not a choice ..
i can't go out and say i like women. its something your born with. its your choice to embrace it or not though.
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lovelovelovelove · 1 decade ago
So what if gods aggenst it?
Love is beautiful, anyone should be allowed to expecience it, don't listen to the haters hunni, you and your bestfriend are amazing, i wish you all the best. (:
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xIxluvxbunniezx · 1 decade ago
I just want to say that Love is love, no matter what. Being gay is nothing to be ashamed of. I really wish people didn't say that being gay is a "sin", because imagine how gay people feel when someone says something like that. It's just wrong to hate somebody because of there sexuality. And just like hopelessx3romantic said "I'm an atheist gay loving freak, and proud of it!"
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x_LIGHTinTHEdark_x · 1 decade ago
Agree with ilovelucio
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brynmawrangel54 · 1 decade ago
whats his witty
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xoGAMERCHICKx3 · 1 decade ago
This is really annoying and it's causing a stupid argument about stupid like religion and sexuality labels. Being gay IS a choice, the Christian god may not even exist, and kaytbugg, I really hope you've read the entire Bible because there are some DISGUSTING, immoral things written in that book.
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cvnt* · 1 decade ago
BaileyGirl, I try not to get on people. I try and express my thoughts as nicely as as I can. So, I'm very sorry, BaileyGirl, for being so mean about the Harry Potter thing, I love Harry Potter, and hate when people argue with me about it, I wasn't trying to start anything there, at first I tried being light-hearted, but I come off strong with my views. But, I'm definately not trying to start drama here. It's my religious veiws, people are all stating them. I wasn't mean at all in these comments, I don't think. I thought I was being extremely respectful. But when people talk like that about God, it hurts. It hurts ver, VERY much. I won't "end" drama, I didn't start anything, I just stated my opinion. I never once said I hate gays, if you didn't read my comment properly, then I'll just tell you, I said I love everyone, including gays. And so does God. I just don't like the sin. We all sin, we've all went against the Bible, so I can't hate someone for that, but it is their choice to go against the Bible. And I respect gays, I respect everyone. And don't worry, Bailey, I won't be a hater. I'm a lover with opinons :)
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BaileyGirl · 1 decade ago
kaytbugg has been getting on people a lot lately. sorry kaytbugg but when u start the drama you have to end it. good luck(: and this is a nice quote nothing wrong with gay people? theyre nice and tell you stuff u dont ever hear but what you wanna hear(: no haterzz!
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snowchick1647 · 1 decade ago
James, you sound like an amazing guy! this made me tear up</3
stay strong budddy♥
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xxgirls_like_boysxx · 1 decade ago
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cvnt* · 1 decade ago
hopelessromantic- I didn't say once God is mad, he'll just punish you for saying such bad things. But I was mainly aiming that towards courtcourt. I'm glad you love gays, and I'm very respectful of you being an atheist. Hopefully, you'll be changed one day, hopefully God will come into your life. Like I said, I love gays, I love everyone. As does God. Great that you believe in science, but in my religion (Christianity) God exists, but maybe not to you, which is just fine and dandy :) but please, don't insult God. It's extremely hurtful, and I didn't mean to make you mad.
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hopelessx3romantic · 1 decade ago
oh im sooooooooo sorry if god. oops *God, is mad at me. I love gays, i love not believing in god and he can go ahead and punish me for my sins! CAUSE IM AN ATHEIST GAY LOVING FREAK AND PROUD OF IT
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cvnt* · 1 decade ago
Ok, I have to say alot, and hopefully I won't get any haters, 'cause if I do I'll just make fun of them and make them feel stupid. Firstly, courtcourt, you are sickening, you make me cringe, you need some sense knocked into you, and God will punish you for what you said. It does say in the Holy Bible that being gay is a sin. And that is God, with a CAPITAL "G". God NEVER said He hates gays, EVER. He hates the sin, but NOT any of His children. God would NEVER hate His children, He hates nobody. Hopelessx3romantic- God would never say not to love blacks. Ever. Being gay is a choice. God made us choosers, he knows what we're going to do in life, but we make our own choices. Like Adam and Eve. The thing that's wrong with being gay is it's against the Bible. No, I don't go by eberything the Bible says, and I love everyone. Gays shouldn't be hated, they deserve to be treated right, but I don't like the sin. God loves all his children, and a big part of the Bible is to love thy neighbor, I love everyone, no matter what and like the Bible says I have forgiveness, but being gay is a sin. It says so in the Bible. No, like I said God DOES NOT hate gays, but it's like stealing or adultery, it is a sin, God doesn't like his children going against him. Y'all say people going by the Bible disgust you, but look at what you wrote! Especially courtcourt! That's terrible what she said! God deserves respect for his word, not hate like that! What is wrong with people today?? They have their religious views and opinions, you're gonna yell at them for them? How messed up! You people are crazy. I always try to respect everyone, everyones opinions, and I try not to judge, but goodness! I have sooo much to say about what some of you people said, but I'm going to try and keep it to myself. I've said alot. So, unless someone posts something towards me, that's all I have to say.
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kirstendxoxo · 1 decade ago
do you think people choose to be harassed everyday for being different. just watch, your sister, best friend, cousin, uncle could be gay and you saying that it's wrong could lead them into horrible things. dont hate people. everyone is beautiful and if you cant accept the fact that someone is srtong enough to be themselves, then you are missing out on helping people love. isnt that what the goal of life is? to be happy and find love.
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hpfreak4life · 1 decade ago
sry ik that was kinda choppy, just needed to speak my mind
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hpfreak4life · 1 decade ago
sigh... we all just need to stop this. being gay isn't a choice, its how your born. I personally am not sure i believe in God, or at least the god that Catholics try to force down our throats.also, the other day someone came out in the middle of class. I gained so much respect for her that day. whether this story is real or not, it doesnt matter, I just think its amazing that this many people have been inclined to give their opinion. and just a side note, The bible talked about acceptance, and screaming that being gay is wrong and a choice isnt acceptance.all those who are incriminating gays because of the bible, obviously don't completely follow the bible themselves if they are judging this much.
Full Support to James btw, <3
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