Witty Profiles

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Do you like a guy?
If the answer is no, don't even bother with this.

What color is his hair: blonde :]
What style is it: short
What color eyes: Brown<3
Cute smile: perfect
Braces: had them

Glasses: nopee :]
Abs: yeahhh.... he showed me his fake tattoo:]
Height: idk?...
What grade is he in: dont need to know
How did you meet him: Spanish
How long have you known him: Uhhh since the beginning of last year.
Would you consider him your friend: more like boyfriend?
Would he consider you his friend:
yess.. hes becoming my best frined.. but i think he knows i like him? so its a little weird
If you asked him for a hug, would he give you one: yesh.♥ duh
Does he play any sports: yuppp
Can he play the guitar: No :(
What about any other musical instruments: nope.. hes untalented haha
Last thing he said to you: "play black ops with me tonight" haha
Do you guys ever text: i dont have a phone but if i did i wouldd
How about AIM: He doesn't have one lol
Facebook chat: IIII don't have one
Last time you were on his Facebook profile: with my friend on friday night
Have you "liked" his profile picture: I DONT HAVE A FACEBOOK!!
Has he ever commented on any of your photos: im getting mad now
Has he ever written on your wall: why is it all about facebook?!
Describe something he would wear on a typical day: Jeans, T-shirt and he never wears a swatshirt and i yell at him bc of it
What's your favorite thing you've seen him wear: everything
Least favorite thing:i guess that hes shorter than me but it doesnt bother me

Do you think that he likes you back:i hope so.. he kinda flirts
Do your friends know that you like him: Duh ofcourse
Do any of your teachers know that you like him: Yeah i think bc she played im to sexy for my shirt n was like this is for you bc all the girls like you!
do your parents know that you like him:
do they know he exists: yupp
Do they know that you like him: no?.. i already answered this
Do you think they would like him if you were dating him: i dont think so
Have you met his parents: nopee
What would you do if he read this survey: dont care.. maybe he will ask me out :]
Next Quote >

Do you like a guy? If the answer is no, don't even bother

0 faves · Jan 16, 2011 7:24pm




