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you asked me if i could change what h a p p e n e d between us
and take back everything we had and change what happend
would i? and all i have to say is no, never becuase even 
though we have had out tough times, you have always been
there for me no matter what, and you have no problem what 
mood im in or what i wear, so we started out as bestfriend 
but we became much more, so you asking would i change
e v e r y t h i n g thats happend. hell no becuase if i were to do that
id lose the best thing thats ever walked in to my life .= you <3

im in love with my bestfriend  <3( its a guy i swear) =]
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you asked me if i could change what h a p p e n e d between usand

1 faves · Jun 28, 2008 9:41am






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