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Forever and always

Those are the very words you uttered,
The day you left
I believed you;

Who can I trust
I torture myself with these thoughts.
Now you are out of mortal reach,
I no longer recognise myself;
Those cold brown eyes
Once so full of love and happiness.

how could you let me go like this
You left me trapped; so tired and helpless.
Sometimes I wonder what goes by
Day and night.

I dare not to even look outside,
For fear of being noticed; I'm not the same.
So again and again I hide my face,
This torn, worn-out disguise.

Never will I go on,
not again without you.

Dread turns into acceptance as my soul fades away,
For now I no longer have a fear of death,
But a fear of love

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Forever and always Those are the very words you uttered, The

3 faves · 1 comments · Jan 13, 2011 3:08pm






jfroggy68 · 1 decade ago
did this happen to you? i'm sorry if it did!
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