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A friend? No, thats not the right word. Could i ever get him back? So close to me? As a boyfriend? As something more? boyy, do i hope as something more.

Now, hes more than a friends, or boyfriend......he family.. Spending weekends in his basement, watching movies all day. Laughing and kissing till one of us couldnt take it any longer. Going places with eachother families, learning more and more abbout eachother, everyday.
All this, this year we spent together, wasnt making a stronger relationship, it was making.....something i cant describe. What we found together, what we had together was real, so strong, passionate and something ive never felt  before. It must of been love. It had to be love.

Now, hes gone. promises broken. hearts broke.
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A friend? No, thats not the right word. Could i ever get him

1 faves · Jan 10, 2011 5:49pm






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