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That Girl: Chapter 9
(Okay so I'm home sick so i figured i would write a couple of chapters!)

Austin's POV:
I watched Dakota and Shayna do their cheering routine. They weren't that bad. Then Coach Walfee announced Lexi's name. She walked out into the center of the gym and began her routine. It was amazing how flexible she was. "Damn! She's gunna be good in bed." Alex told Tim and Brian. They just stared at her. When try-outs were over we all went to meet up with the girls. "You girls were amazing out there." Tim said eyeing Lexi. They all smiled. "Thanks" Shayna said. We waited until the scores were counted and the names were posted. Shayna, Dakota and Lexi all made the team. "Omigosh!! Im captain!" Lexi screeched! "Great job." Brian said pulling her into a hug.  She smiled and hugged him back. "How about we all go to the beach to celebrate?" Ryan asked. We all agreed and piled into the cars to get our stuff.

Lexi's POV:
When we got to the beach, Dakota, Shayna and I put our towels down and laid down to tan, while the guys went body surfing. About 10 minutes later the guys came back soaked. "Gross, get away. Your guys are drenched." Dakota said as Brenden and Tim stood above us shaking their wet hair. "You guys look like dogs!" I commented. "Oh really?" Said Tim. All of the guys came over to us and started shaking their wet heads. "Stop it!" screeched Shayna. "What, you don't wanna get wet?" Brian asked. "No!" We said together. The guys grabbed our arms and legs and carried the three of us over to the water. I tried to fight my way out of Brian and Tims grasps but they were to strong. "God Lexi! You weigh nothing!" Brian commented. "Stop struggling! Your not going to break free." Tim said. On the count of three they threw us into the water.

Austin's POV:
"Dude, did you see Dakota's bikini?" Ryan asked as we body surfed. "Yeah. How about Lexi's?" I said. Ryan looked at me with a concerned look. "She's really thin, Austin." I could hear the concern in his voice. Ryan had a sister who died of anorexia. "No, Ryan. She can't be anorexic." I said. We all walked up to the girls and Tim and Brenden stood above the girls shaking their hair. After Lexi said they looked like dogs the rest of us joined them. Soon enough we were carrying the three girls down to the water. "God Lexi! You weigh nothing!" Brian said. Ryan looked at me again. 'Told you." he mouthed.

Comments? Favs? Should Lexi be anorexic?
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That Girl: Chapter 9 (Okay so I'm home sick so i figured

21 faves · 5 comments · Jan 10, 2011 10:15am






TallieAteYou · 1 decade ago
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ggluvslax · 1 decade ago
i think she should.
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lovelikewoah19 · 1 decade ago
Thankks! You too(:
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Storys4Life · 1 decade ago
Okay, thanks, and i hope you feel better! :)
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lovelikewoah19 · 1 decade ago
No she shouldn't be...& I love your story I'm home sick too
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