Witty Profiles

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Day TWO:

1) i love joe jonas
2) i'm easy to get along with
3) i talk a lot, but when i get shy, it's hard for me to break that
4) i'm half greek, a quarter italian, then german/irish
5) i love food
6) i have many dreams<3
7) i love my friend & family
8) i'm left handed
9) i'm 14 years young(:

Ten Day Challenge~
    Day One: 10 things I want to say to 10 people.
    Day Two: 9 things about myself.
    Day Three: 8 ways to win my heart.
    Day Four: 7 things that cross my mind a lot.
    Day Five: 6 things I wish had never happened.
    Day Six: 5 people who mean a lot to me(in no special order).
    Day Seven: 4 turn offs.
    Day Eight: 3 turn on's.
    Day Nine: 2 smileys that describes my life right now.
    Day Ten: 1 confession
Next Quote >

Day TWO: 1) i love joe jonas 2) i'm easy to get along with

0 faves · Jan 8, 2011 1:25pm




