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undying love chapter 1
I remember it like it was yesterday. Visiting him in the hospital with him having no hair because of the disease and me telling him I would be back tomorrow . I never did come back. I felt like the most worst girlfriend telling her boyfriend that had stage 4 leukemia that I would be back the next day. I couldn't go it was to hard. I haven't heard anything or saw anything about him since last year when this happened. I have this day saved into my calendar on my phone. Well anyway my names Hailey. My boyfriend Brian had stage 4 leukemia, today would have been the year anniversary since I have seen my boyfriend who was 1/4 of my life. We were best friends since pre -k i always liked him. I had a feeling he liked me too. In freshmen year at lunch i looked at the wall and saw a big poster saying Hailey will you go to homecoming with me ? Brian in bubble letters. the night of homecoming after homecoming we went to the diner with some of our friends. When I went to wipe my face with the napkin I saw something written on it saying Hailey will you go out with me ? I had an amazing night at homecoming with you and had a crush on you since pre -k ! Brian
I then looked at him and he was chewing he then noticed i looked at him and smiled and put him thumbs up and thumbs down  i then put my thumb up and he smiled .
Not only was he my first best friend but he was my first kiss and boyfriend. I was now a senior. Last year in Junior year ,  I was walking on the beach with him when he fell and started coughing and throwing up blood. I was so scared, I called 911 and I rode in the ambulance with them to the hospital. When I got to the hospital with him about half an hour alter the nurse said they are transferring him to a children hospital that had a good cancer center!
" Cancer Center? " i asked confused?
" I'm sorry mam , but you did not know he had stage 3 leukemia?" the nurse responded
Just then my heart dropped
I then rode in the helicopter with him to the hospital
" Brian, your my best friend, Why didn't you tell me , I thought  we weren't gonna keep secrets from each other" I asked her with a tear coming down from my eye.
he took his left hand since his right hand was holding my left and wiped the tear from my cheek
" Hailey, I didn't want you to think that I wanna gonna die ASAP and break up with me " He said " I'm gonna be strong and attempt to beat this horrible thing thats affecting my life in so many ways"
" Hailey"
" I love you"
" I love you too"
And that was the first time we said it to each other.
about 5 minutes later we go to the children hospital. Brians parents were on there way. They got Brian a room, but he fell asleep. it was about 915 me and his parents were talking I didn't have a ride home they said they would give me a ride home. at 930 they were getting ready to leave and they gave me time to be with Brian to say goodbye after they said goodbye
" Hey bri I'm leaving , Ill see you tomorrow, " I said
" alright bye"
I then kissed him and  walked out to the hallway. That was the last time i saw him in 365 days.

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undying love chapter 1 I remember it like it was yesterday. Visiting

1 faves · 2 comments · Jan 4, 2011 8:33pm






Gbinag · 1 decade ago
aht thanks i had started it before and never continued its like10 quotes below aha.
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hisbabygirl123 · 1 decade ago
I like it...=] don't stop writing!
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