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- Today  my  ex  a ctually  said something  to  me  he  said  Kelsie Nicole  Carter  i <3 you  till   u  die  i wanna  be  with u  i  miss  kissing  u and  hugging  u  around  ur  waist  i  said   hmmm...  Shouldve  said  dat when  i  gave  u  an  choice  i  moved on  and  i  dont  love  u  anymore  i waited  for  u  and  u  had  an  girlfriend  but  now ur  telling  me  dis ur  completely  fuked  up Hun if u think ur  getting  me back and i said thats how its done and walked away and he ran after me and kissed me and i did kiss him bak after that one kiss i fell inlove one again shew gurls on witty comment if happened to u before favorite if it didnt !(:i am so happy now i love u boooo(:
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- Today my ex a ctually said something to me he said Kelsie Nicole

4 faves · Jan 4, 2011 6:17pm






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