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Long but PLEASE read!

OK this quote is about: BULLYING.

          Well, my friend that I've known since we were both 4 is currently being bullied. This isn't the first time she's been bullied either, but the last time she was bullied was like 3rd grade... which was 4 years ago.  IT first started out as only being bullied a few times a month in school, but soon it got more frequent.  The people that are bullying her were some of her best friends, that is until they turned on her and started ganging up on her.  It got even worse, because as well as being bullied at school everyday, she is now being bullied online everyday.  This is her last day of Christmas break before she has to go back to school tomorrow to endure more bullying and suffering at school.  A few days ago, she cut her foot.  Yesterday, she punched a wall and she has to get her knuckles checked at the doctor's office.  She been crying her eyes out, all day everyday for the past month or so.  She told her mother about a week or two ago about her bullying situation, and her mother is ready to press charges against those bullies, it's gotten that bad already.  And the worst part is, I can't stand up for her or speak up when she needs me to.  I can't defend her and the way she lives all because she go to a different school than i do.  I have no way to contact the people who are bullying her, and her situation is getting worse and worse as the days go on.  I don't really know how else i can help her but using Witty. 

Favorite this quote if you think bullying is wrong and needs to be stopped.  Comment on this quote if you have been or are still being bullied, and you know how my friend feels.  And Please, if you have ANY advice for me or her, please let us know how this can be helped or stopped. Show us that you care.

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Long but PLEASE read! OK this quote is about: BULLYING. Well,

2 faves · Jan 2, 2011 1:48pm






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