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you know that feeling when u still love him but U cant have him?... i love him but he just don't understand how much i changed for him... <3
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you know that feeling when u still love him but U cant have him?...

4 faves · 2 comments · Dec 21, 2010 7:34pm





break up

KaelaBettyLynn67 · 1 decade ago
I read this and it made me sad. ): I've been there and it sucks. My advice is to never change for any guy. They're not worth it if feel like you have live to their standards. I'm going through the same thing right now, only he's blaming my friends for changing me and it's been just over a year. Any guy who does that isn't worth it. You deserve better. So hold your head high and focus on the good things, because I promise, things will get better. (:
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chocolate_cupcake12345 · 1 decade ago
awh I know how you feel :( I feel the exact same way
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