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Question: you are such an inspiration & role model to all girls of any age, and i think thats awesome! How do you manage to stay away from the bad things superstars seem to be getting pulled into these days? 
I think it all comes down to who you surround yourself with and how strong your morals are. Before I make a decision, I stop and think about the 10-year-old girl i saw last night at my concert in the front row. I think about her mom. I think about how they bought my CD, thinking that Im a good role model. Then I think about how they would feel if i did something to let them down. I can't imagine a greater pain than letting one of those mothers down. 

I honestly can't.

-Taylor Swift

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Question: you are such an inspiration & role model to all

44 faves · Dec 19, 2010 7:01pm






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