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Nobody understands me ... 

I lie down in my bed at hot tears streamed down my face ... I was hurting inside. I wanted all the pain to go away! I picked up the razor blade as I thought back to the argument with my mom ... 
"Why are you having suicidal thoughts?" she asks 
I looked at as many thoughts and reasons ran through my head ... I get treated differently from my siblings; I always get yelled at for no reason; You don't know me anymore; I feel like I'm the flaw in the family ... </3
I blinked away tears from my eyes, and simply told her ; 
"Life's not fair, and you don't know the real me at all"
I couldn't hold in all this pain anymore! I let it all out, I told my mom everything, and she freaked out on me! Worst of all she didn't believe me at all ... and I swear that was the worse feeling I've ever felt. 
I shook away the memory of the argument as I placed the blade on my wrist. I added pressure on it making the cut go deeper and I lay there watching as the pain slowly flowed down my hand... 

There's Nothing I Can Else Do.

if you read the whole thing. i love you, because i know
at least someone out there understands me.

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Nobody understands me ... I lie down in my bed at hot tears

2 faves · Dec 16, 2010 10:51pm






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