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Yes, this quote is plain. No spacing, no colors.
But think, are you very different? The answer?
Yes! Each and every person in this world is
complex. Every person has dreams and goals
in life. You are beautiful and unique. No one
hates you. They might think they do, but there
is no possible way to hate a girl as great as you.
That one guy? He loves you. He is just denying it.
There is definitely a guy out there for you.
It just might not be the one that you suspect.
Remember- no one is a better person than you.
Live, love, laugh. Live with no excuses. Love
with no regrets. Laugh freely. I Love You.

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Yes, this quote is plain. No spacing, no colors. But think, are

8 faves · Dec 11, 2010 1:49pm






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