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once a girl asked her ex who she still likes
girl: dont youh just hate liars
boy: :yeaa.... random? why you asking
girl: than you hate yourself?
boy: wht?
girl: well your a liar so wouldnt you hate yourself since you said you hate liars?
boy; yea but how am i a liar?
girl: just because
and they kept going on for hours and the girl wished shed never of done that because she dosent want to fight with this kid because she still likes him but he liked to her and said he did but than the girl found out that he dosent anymore and they keep lying and now they probably wont be friends anymore the girl is now crying

boy: look can we just 4get about "us" and like restart
girl yeaaah
boy: uhhh.... ok um bi?
girl :wait are we friends or not?
boy: .. wait did you honestly like me?
girl: yeah but i kenw youh didnt like me

and their conversation went on...

; if youh want to say something think about it twice beofore you do because you wouldnt want to mess something up like this girl did.

true story; im that girl
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please read once a girl asked her ex who she still likes girl:

6 faves · Dec 9, 2010 5:42pm





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