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Today in 1st period apparently I pocket dialed 911.  I got called down to the office but I had no clue why.  My assistant principle asked
if I had called 911 because she had gotten a call from
the police department saying that they were on
their way to my school.  They showed up and
went through my phone.  The number didn't show
up in recent calls but they called again and the number
never showed.  So now these to police
men start talking to me and then
one takes out paper work and starts asking me
questions.  Then the assistant principle took my phone because
we aren't aloud them in school.  Now when people see
me they scream 911. Everyone thinks its so funny!
I mean if you think about it it kind of
is but its not like I meant it so they should
just get of my back gosh!   

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Today in 1st period apparently I pocket dialed 911. I got called

4 faves · 1 comments · Dec 8, 2010 2:39pm






xorosieox02 · 1 decade ago
This almost happened to me today! On my fone it said #9112 when I looked at it! omg, I almost had a heart attack because I'm not allowed to have phones wither in school!. I know how you feel!
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