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Love and being in love are to different things. Love is a word a feeling and a state-of-mind. Love as a word defines as an overly outward emotional connection to something or someone which a person feels hlepless to ignore and/or over come. Love as a feeling decipts this word yet indicates a persons helplessness and relent to recognize all other emotions towards others; this is the hardest feeling to ignore and can only be overcome by mutual emotional connections between persons or denied causing unavoidable hopelessness,obession, and eventually depression to said person. Loving someone or something is  caring and respecting them deeply- and saying I love you tells this someone or something  that your emtions and thoughts toward them  are that deep personal and extreme care. Love as a state-of-mind is being in love. being in love every feeling of love but with passion and obesssion being succeeded with comfort and trust.
Not mine my friend said it to me and fell in love with it<3
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Love and being in love are to different things. Love is a word

0 faves · Apr 9, 2008 7:01pm




