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If We Ever Meet Again
(part 29, other parts are on my profile.)

Ocean City, MD.
June 20

            While Jason for our meals I walked out to his car a while and tried calling the girls. I called Kelley first, no answer. Then Brie, no answer. Chelsey was last; her phone went straight the voice mail. I would have called Becca but I didn't have her number.
            I let myself into Jason's car. He had an older and I had no idea what model or year it was. The inside was leather. Not so great for the summer time, but as least he had working air-conditioning. I bulked my seat belt and pulled my phone out from my bra. That's were I keep it when I don't have pockets and I didn't have pockets today, I was wearing stretchy shorts.
            I went to my inbox and went through all my recently received texts. Mom, Tanner, Tye, Alexis, Facebook, and once again, this unknown number. I opened them all.
            Mom: Love and miss you bunches.
            Me: Love you too.
            Tanner: Hey.
            Tanner: Allie...
            Tanner: You can't just ignore me forever; you're bound to see me sometime.
            Me: I don't plan on ignoring you forever, just for the summer. Because I know when school starts I'll have to see your face everyday, but that doesn't have to start now, so "CYA."
            Tye: Goodnight, Allie <3
            Tye: Call me whenever you can.
            Me: I will soon dear. <3
            Facebook: Kelley Block has tagged you in a post. Reply, "stop" if you would like to stop notifications.
            Facebook: Nicholas Kase has asked to be your friend. Reply "add" you'd like to add them to your friends list.
            Facebook: Tanner Blare has commented on your status. Reply, "stop" if you would like to stop notifications.
            Me: Add
            Unknown Number: Jesse...
            Me: Cortez ?
            Alexis: Heeey :D
            Me: I MISS YOU ! <3

            Jesse. I haven't talked to him since Tanner and I got in that big fight a few months ago. Did I delete his number or did he get a new one? I didn't have much time to think, or question myself about Jesse because the driver's door opened.
            I replied to all the texts, even Tanner's and within seconds after the messages sent my phone started vibrating.
            Jesse, Facebook, and Tanner. That was fast, very fast actually.
            “Now, that’s the old Allie,” Jason said smiling. “Phone in hand, and vibrating up a storm.”

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If We Ever Meet Again (part 29, other parts are on my profile.)

4 faves · Dec 5, 2010 6:20pm






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