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30 Letters in 30 Days
Letter number one...

Dear Bestfriend,

            You annoy the crap outta me, but I love you. We gotta really got a lot good times like when....that time we cooked all that nasty food at your house; friday night ; being in all my classes for 2 years in a row; late night talks; taking d... well you know who from me; messing up my hair; friendlys; that day I made you walk all the way to my house; that one day I thought you were dead; your random freakouts; me singing to you; taking all these pictures of you; us always zooming in on bad pictures of eachother; getting mad; scary faces; your Mexican or whatever accent when you said my name; back to school shoping; the mall; and soooo much more. I just have no one that goes through the same things as me ...
                        i love you,
                                 Me (: 
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30 Letters in 30 Days Letter number one... Dear Bestfriend, You

0 faves · Dec 1, 2010 3:30pm




